Use cases
Benigar case
Converting the data generated in every interaction with customers into actionable information is vital for any automotive business. But what if, in addition, you could know how they feel and use it to offer them a better service? Imagine the advantage of serving them as they expect, while automating actions.

Conversational AI with sentiment analysis

In this paper we are going to see how Aivora has contributed to increase Benigar’s business turnover, with reduced management costs, reinforcing the human team and building customer loyalty while attending 100% of the dealer’s after-sales service overflow calls.

We will see a complete analysis of the volume of calls received, the management of duplicate and unanswered calls, the types of calls and the sentiment analysis technology.

Keys to success

  1. We have handled up to 38% more calls with revenue potential
  2. Reduced unanswered calls by 17%
  3. Reduced duplicate calls by 10%
  4. Significantly increased loyalty


Aivora successfully receives 100% of calls and prioritises them based on business objectives, taking into account customer urgency, reducing duplicate calls, handling more productive calls, gathering information on what the customer needs, while reducing management costs associated with external call centres.

This means more revenue in Aftersales and other departments, greater automation of customer care processes, significantly improved customer loyalty and greater effectiveness of your resources.

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